Yahoo Voices: Can David Archuleta Expect Success in 2014?

David Archuleta is stepping away from the spotlight and taking a hiatus from the music industry to embark on a two year mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. And that has caused some discussion among fans, disappointing news for some, and exciting support from others.

The questions that surface are many. Can David make a successful comeback after two years? Will his fans be there when he returns?

In 1996 Michael Jackson had a weak records sales, and end to a marriage and a career threatening scandal. Frank Sinatra went from prince to pauper in the 50’s and a scandalous love affair helped close more doors in Hollywood.

Elvis Presley the 50’s rock and roll legend starred in some cheesy Hollywood musicals from 1964 to 1966 until he wowed a national TV audience in 1968.

In 1966 Elvis went to RCA studios in Nashville to make a gospel album, “How Great Thou Art’, which proved to be a milestone in Elvis’s career. It won him a Grammy. This was during a time of personal and professional struggle. The broadcast of his television special, Elvis, put him back on top.

Gloria Estefan is paving her way for a comeback in the American music market, with “Miss Little Havana”. She has been out of the spotlight for almost a decade. And Shania Twain is making a comeback in Vegas which will last until December 2012. A few years back her marriage fell apart and now has reinvented herself at Caesar’s Palace.

We know how these careers flourished and now all have a place in pop-history. Can David do the same? My personal opinion is yes, but I wanted to put the question to a couple of experienced people in the music industry who are huge fans of David Archuleta.

Michael Orland, Arranger and Associate Musical Director from American Idol, and Dorian Holley his former coaching partner from Idol who is now the lead singer for the Tonight Show Band took time out of their busy schedules and had the following to say:

“David Archuleta has one of the most beautiful voices of any contestants on the show.” They remember watching Hollywood week on TV, a couple weeks before they were to go in to get to work on the Top 24 David was onstage singing. One of the background singers was just behind him, weeping uncontrollably at the beauty of his voice. Dorian said, “I kept rewinding to watch my friend Lynn Fiddmont cry, and to enjoy the pure sound he made. The best part about David, though, is he has a smile and a spirit to match his great voice. Coaching him was a pleasure.”

As to David’s decision to break away from music for a bit, both Michael and Dorian felt that it is a big one. They said, “There will always be the question as to whether or not he will be greeted with open arms; will his music be embraced again? “We say yes. People who love him will still love him when he returns; provided he is making music they want to hear. In some ways a break will help him. Absence makes the heart grow fonder. Most importantly, David must do what his heart tells him, and what is more important than traveling and helping others? We believe music fans will be eager to hear a David Archuleta CD in two or three years, when he is ready, and when he has something deeper and more interesting to say, more power to him.”

To find out more about Michael Orland please go to and Dorian Holley

Passion is the one thing that makes most artists successful and when they come back they provide us with good music. Their love and desire to create music is what gives them their success. Most artists already have a good fan base that would support them, and they end up with many more new fans upon their return.

David Archuleta is an artist that has a great following and can come back again, and his fans will be waiting.

Published by Pamela Pike.

Source: Here

Remember Pamela? She’s the author of the “Through Our Eyes: A Fan’s Perspective on Artist David Archuleta”

Get you copy HERE 🙂 

David we’ll always and forever be here for you. You got our 101% support. We’ll wait for you after your 2 year mission. 🙂

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